The Doshas: Wizard Of Ahas

Understanding your dosha can be a bit confusing at first. According to Ayurveda, at the moment of conception you have a unique constitution that staying with you throughout your entire life. Your constitution is your individual makeup of the 5 elements : space, air, fire, water, and earth. While we all have all of these elements inside of us, some are more and less dominant. Understanding your dosha is like having a cheat sheet to know what foods, activities, and lifestyles will increase longevity and prevent disease. You can find your own unique dosha.

There are 3 doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vatas are made up of mostly Air and Space. They are exceptionally creative, have lots of energy, might seem a bit all over the place , have a million projects going at once, they tend to be  longer and lanky, forget to eat meals. Vatas are like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. Their joints tend to snap, crackle and pop, and they get dried out easily, especially their skin. Out of balance, vatas get gas and bloating, constipation, anxiety and insomnia. Like The Tin Man, they need oil!! Daily oil massages and meditation practices can help keep them grounded. 

Pittas are made up of Fire and Water. They tend to be of sharp intellect, driven, ambitious, natural born leaders, perfectionists, athletically built,  and get hangry if they miss a meal. Pittas, like the Scarecrow, need to stay away from fire or they can go up in flames. Too much heat will cause Pittas hyoeracidity, stomach aches, burping, reflux, diahrrea, inflammation and angry outbursts. Cooling the mind with relaxation practices such and meditation , pranayama and yoga help keep them in balance. 

Kapha type doshas are made up of Earth and Water. Kaphas are grounded, methodical, have exceptional endurance, strength and patience. They have a nurturing energy , great memories and love to enjoy life and are always trying to lose the last 5 pounds. Kaphas tend to get colds, coughs, allergies, diabetes, feel dull and lethargic. Like the Lion, Kaphas have bigger features like large soft eyes, they are constantly searching for the meaning of life and to create connections between the world and themselves. They struggle feeling isolated and alone and will withdraw into themselves. Getting regular exercise and following a daily routine are very beneficial. 




The Great “A Scrape”